Announcing our FMN Impact Week 2020!
Save the Date!
Around this time every year we get so excited for our Forget Me Not Ministries Silent Auction and Benefit Dinner. It is such a special time to gather with you all and celebrate all that God has been doing, and through your incredible generosity we are able to setup and plan for the year coming!
With the Covid-19 pandemic, that has no doubt affected all of us, we have an even greater need now for ministry with the Roma.
There are lots of ways you can be involved in making this auction a success and in helping to further ministry during this trying time.
•Donate items for our auction (baskets, gift cards, jewelry, artwork, etc.)
•Make a financial contribution
•Be a prayer partner
•Volunteer to be a social media ambassador or any of the other jobs we need help with at the moment
Follow the buttons below for more info on getting involved or to donate now.
We so appreciate your ongoing support. With this year’s auction being virtual, we believe that God will do an incredible work.
Pledge Sheet Volunteer to Help Donate
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