Five for Friday
Hope your week has gone well…whether you are vacationing, your kids have started back to school, or it’s been a week of routines.
This week’s Five for Friday is a bit of a mixed bag…but things I thought I might share. 🙂
What I’m reading
For the last several weeks, my life group and I have have been doing a study called ‘The Invisible War’ by Chip Ingram. It has been such an incredible study to do together and just really reinforces all the ways that we can use the Armor of God to fight the attacks that we face daily/weekly/monthly. We’ve been challenged and encouraged by doing this study together.
There are videos and a study guide, or you can just grab the book. Straight to the site.
What I’m listening to
I love sharing songs that can bring freedom, help us cry out to God, and empower us with his love and strength. For awhile now I’ve been listening to the ‘Old Church Basement’ album by Elevation Worship and Maverick City Music.
It’s a toss up between ‘Jireh’ and ‘Mercy’, but I’m going to go with ‘Jireh’ this week. Oh man, you just gotta stand up and belt it out…no matter what kind of week you are having, “I’m already loved, I’m already chosen, I know who I am, I know what You’ve spoken…and that is enough…You are enough!”
You can get your worship on in the car, in your quiet time, as a family dance party, or wherever you feel. Let worship shift the atmosphere, bring peace, joy, and assurance in His presence!
Jireh song!
You can listen to the whole album here: The Old Church Basement – Spotify
What’s that song?
Do you ever get a song stuck in your head, and you have completely blanked on all of the words, but desperate to find it? The Google Lens app comes in perfect for helping you find that song and so much more.
When you open your Google Lens, you can tap on the microphone icon, then ‘Search a song’, and just start humming. Google Lens will then tell you what songs it might possibly be, and most of the time, it gets it right when I’ve been searching. Hum away!
Where in the world?
Another fun way I use the Google Lens app is by tapping on the camera icon, which then opens a whole range of handy tools in this one app. You can hold up the lens to translate something you are reading (helpful when I get stuck on a Romanian word).
If you’re out and about and you see a piece of furniture you love, some decor, or an outfit, you can just hold up the Google Lens app to it and it will show you all of the places online you can find a similar or the exact item. You can hold it up to homework problems and get the help you need (where was this when I was doing Math in school?!).
One of my favorite things to use the app for is when I am doing family history/genealogy and going through old photos. You can hold up the app to one of your old pictures and Google can often locate where that was picture was taken (when it is outside of a recognizable building, monument, etc) and pulls up other similar photos from Google images that matches. Family history mystery solved! 🙂
You can also hold Google Lens up to any plants or animals you spot while on a walk and it will tell you exactly what they are…pretty incredible.
Beat the heat
My sweet mama sent me over a Funme Handheld Fan this summer to help me escape a bit of the Romanian heat. It’s really powerful, has 4 speeds, with a rechargeable battery, and is and fits right in my purse. It is actually keeping me cool at my desk right now. 🙂
Grab your fan!
* Anytime you do your online shopping, if you hop over to Amazon Smile, you can choose Forget Me Not Ministries as your designated charity and Amazon will send a percentage towards FMN every time you shop. It blesses the ministry at no extra cost to you…pretty neat. Thank you!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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