Five for Friday – Celebrate August
This week, Cindy March shares 5 fun ways to celebrate during the month of August and create memorable moments with your friends, family, or co-workers! Fun ways to bring a smile to someone’s face this next month! 🙂
Ok people…August. At least in this hemisphere it equals “the dogs days of summer,” but NO HOLIDAYS on the calendar! Let’s rectify the situation this year. Consider observing these 5 fun days!
WEEK 1 – Coloring Book Day – August 2nd
Whether you strive to stay within the lines or not, there are now coloring books available for all ages. Personally, I think that one of the simple joys in life is a brand new box of crayons and curling up with a coloring book. 🙂
Mental health experts claim the benefits of coloring include decreased anxiety and stress. No one really knows the origin of coloring books. What we do know is that with the mass production of crayons in the late 1920’s, coloring books became more and more popular!
Here some free coloring pages to print: Adult Child
WEEK 2- More S’mores Day – August 10th
Last year, amidst the pandemic, I came upon a lady at our local grocery who looked a bit frantic. Worried eyes shown from her masked face, “They are out of graham crackers! It’s National S’mores Day…what will we do?!?” That is the first I had heard of this marvelous celebration…shame on me!
S’mores were first revealed in a Girl Scout book in 1927 and have since become a campfire “must have”. Traditionally, the recipe consists of a roasted marshmallow and a piece of chocolate bar melted between two graham crackers.
Get creative! Spread the gooey fun! Our daughter, Sarah, created a “S’mores Charcuterie Board” for a recent family gathering. Not only did she provide the traditional parts, she also featured white chocolate, mint chocolate, chocolate graham crackers, and peanut butter cups. Her creativity added extra smiles to that fabulous campfire!
WEEK 3- World Photo Day – August 19th
Not to be confused with National Selfie Day, this is a day to celebrate the invention and development of photography as a whole. Starting in 2010, 270 photographers worldwide shared their pictures on a global online gallery.
Why August 19th? Because on this date in 1839, the government of France purchased the patent for the Daguerreotype. This was the first photography process made for obtaining a permanent image with a camera without a negative. The French called this patented process a “free gift to the world.”
So, gather the troops, go out into nature, or go ahead and snap that selfie! World Photo Day is a day to smile!
WEEK 4 – National Toilet Paper Day – August 26th
Something I was once guilty of taking for granted, toilet paper, is ranked third in overall sales on non-food products in North America!
There is little known about modern rolls of toilet tissue. Germans claim to have created the first perforated rolls in 1930. Fifteen years later, a plant in Great Britain boasted a new softer creation with added durability.
Folks, we are straight out of a global pandemic where TP was nearly an “endangered species” in part of our worlds. So, let’s not “TP” our neighbor’s house on this day of “celebration”…but maybe we can all smile in appreciation as we “try not to squeeze the Charmin!!”
WEEK 5 – Eat Outside Day – August 31st
This is a day to encourage us all to enjoy a meal “al fresco.” School is already or will soon be back in session and days will once again get shorter. What better time to celebrate a day like this.
Whether you enjoy a double scoop ice cream cone on the porch or spread a blanket on the lawn, you will be glad you did! Weather permitting, you may get a side order of Vitamin D as well!
Here are some neat picnic hacks to make your time outside more convenient and fun!
We’re all set to celebrate August and create those smiles with whomever we are with! We hope you are having a beautiful Friday and a blessed weekend!
Thank you,
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