Five for Friday – Easter Edition
Even though Romania doesn’t celebrate Easter until May 2nd this year, we thought we would celebrate twice! 🙂
Here are your Five for Friday quick tips for your Easter.
1. If you need a nice spring playlist to match the hopeful sunshine outside, we’ve created you a playlist on Spotify. Enjoy! Click here to listen!
2. Here are some fun Easter basket scavenger hunt printables with a Gospel message. I found these on Pinterest and thought they were adorable, so I’ll be using them this Easter with Izaiah, my son, and love how they share the Message in a fun way.Click here for the printables!
3. If you would like to try a Romanian traditional Easter dish to serve at your Easter meal this year, one of the FMN team members, Rodica and the Roma moms, Guga have made a step by step video for you to try. Click here to taste a bit of Romania!
“Drob de Miel”
2.2 lbs of your choice of meat (Rodica used chicken liver)
2 bunches of green onion
2 bunches of fresh dill
1 bunch of fresh parsley
6 eggs beaten
5 eggs hard boiled (you may need more or fewer depending on your pan length)
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
4. Tips and tricks for easy-to-peel hard-boiled eggs! Grab your tips here!
5. Try a sunrise service with your family on Easter. I remember as a child waking up at dawn and heading to a sunrise service outdoor with my family. I still remember to this day how special it made Easter morning to stop, have a special breakfast with my family, and sing some songs with verses being read. Maybe your church still holds Easter sunrise services, but if not, it might be something neat to try with your family this Easter. Here is a powerful video you can watch together. Click here!
Hope you all have a BLESSED Easter! May you be filled with the HOPE of Christ today!
Many blessings,
Rachel Ross
Executive Director
Forget Me Not Ministries
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