PO Box 142, Sellersburg, Indiana, 47172, USA


Five for Friday – Forgotten November Holidays

Cindy March is back and has helped share some fun forgotten holidays for the month of November! 🙂

Lots of helpful tips and fun ideas! 


November 8th – International Tongue Twister


Not sure how this translates worldwide, but according to the Guinness Book of World Records, the most difficult tongue twister is, “The sixth sick sheikh’s sixth sheep is sick.” Time to give your tongue a workout and don’t forget…”A quick witted cricket is always a critic!”


November 20th – Name Your PC Day


Now, more than ever, your computer devices are a mainstay in our professional and personal lives. What do you call your PC? Your laptop? No name??? Maybe it’s time to change that and give him/her a moniker! There are times when we spend more time with them than our families, after all! Take time today to ponder a nickname…”Amazon Allie”? “Peter my Production Manager”? “Stanley Scanner”? “Tina the Turbo Tax Trainer”? “Facebook Franny”? “Wendall D. Windows”? “Attack Mack”? It’s about time to name that family member who takes you to the ends of the Earth. 


After you name your device, here are some items to show your laptop or desktop some special loving…


November 26th – Pie-in-the-Face-Day


The day after Thanksgiving! 
Classic movies show both Charlie Chaplin and the Three Stooges as Professionals in “Pieing”, that is throwing pies in people’s faces. 
Well, today is that day! Leftover from Thanksgiving or simply a plateful of shipped cream, here’s your chance! I am sure there are official rules, but REALLY?! I think it’s a win win situation…fun with a face masked in YUM!
Even though our British brothers and sisters might not celebrate Thanksgiving, we can steal one neat idea from them that they typically do the day after Christmas. It’s called “Bubble and Squeak” and it’s not only delicious, but brings out your inner chef as well! You start with your potatoes and veggies and then throw any other leftovers you would like in there. 



November 30th – National Mason Jar Day


Thanks to Mr. John Landis Mason from New Jersey, home canning has been made safe for generations.  At age 26, in 1858, he was ahead of his time in patenting the first heat processing screw jar.  Later versions were added by Kerr Glass Company and the Ball Bros. Company. 

Since 2017, this newer holiday celebrates that creativity and usefulness of the mason jar.  From floral vases to light fixtures, these jars spark creativity worldwide.

Here are some great mason jar gift ideas you can use this holiday season:

A healthy bean soup

Mason jar succulents

Hot chocolate

Knob tops

Tea lover


November Gratefulness 

One cute way to keep our hearts thankful all through November is by making a ‘Thankful Pumpkin’ with your family to display in your home. Each evening, you can write something you and your family are thankful for and take the time to reflect on all that God has done. 


Hope you are staying nice and cosy this fall! Have a blessed weekend and know how thankful we are for you!


Be blessed, 


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