Five for Friday – Forgotten October Holidays
It’s October 1st and to start us off right, Cindy March is sharing some of the forgotten holidays of this fun fall month.
#1 World Smile Day – October 1st
The story goes that advertising graphic artist, Harvey Ball of Mass. Created the Smiley face we love still today. Since its debut in 1963, Smiley has been used for campaigns, movies, emojis and everything in between.
In 1999, World Smile Day was started to officially bring the smiley face back to its roots – people making people smile! Here’s your day to pass on the free gift of a smile one to another!
Print and post to learn about the health benefits of smiling!
#2 International Walk to School Day – October 7th
Since 1997, this holiday has involved over forty countries worldwide. It was designed to encourage kids to safely wall or bike to school. Not only for health and for the environment, this day emphasizes community lookout and safe paths to school. It is a good day to remind ourselves of pedestrian rules and safe driving techniques. Enjoy the walk and remember….your grandfather claimed that he had to walk to school everyday…. a mile barefoot in the snow uphill both ways!!!!
#3 Dictionary Day – October 16th
In honor of Noah Webster’s birthday, this holiday is one to expand your vocabulary! Look us a new word or two – break open the Scrabble board or jump back on “Words With Friends”. Needless to say, this is one that will make you SMART /smart/ def. having or showing a quick-witted intelligence, clever, bright, intelligent!
#4 National CAPS LOCK DAY – October 22nd
Are you tired of people with their “shouting” all caps texts and emails? Can you sometimes actually HEAR them shouting at you? Well, there are two ways to celebrate this day.
1.) Send all your messages today completely in lower case, never touching the “shift” key and add a foot note to explain your day of honoring “quiet” responses. Or,
I wonder which one you will try…
#5 Plush Animal Lovers Day – October 28th
Here is a cozy holiday to snuggle up to! Call them plush animals, stuffed critters, cuddlys or plushie toys First commercially made in 1880 by the German Steiff Company, plush animals are a childhood staple. From baby showers to graduations, these creatures are packaged as gifts throughout our lifetimes.
So, snuggle up with your old buddy and maybe mend up his well loved fur as you remember all you have been through together.
Need to restore a family favorite plush animal? Here’s a quick guide!
We pray you have a blessed month, a restful weekend, and enjoy all of those great items you won at the FMN Benefit & Auction! 🙂 You are a blessing to us and we’re so thankful for you.
Many thanks,
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