Five for Friday – Hidden September Holidays
What happened?!? I cannot believe it’s almost September!
Cindy March (one of our amazing board members) is back with some fun and thought-provoking ‘Hidden September Holidays’ for us to celebrate this coming month. I love all of the hidden holidays and the memories you can make with others as you celebrate them…whether they are your children, grandchildren, or work colleagues.
Week 1 – 9/2 “Bring Your Manners to Work Day”
Make your Mama proud and dig up all those manners she taught you…Be polite! Hold the door or elevator… Say “please” and “thank you”….stop and compliment that colleague and offer to help them out! Will it be a normal day or will everyone wonder what you’re up to??!!
Manners Reminder Chart for Kids
Week 2 – 9/6 “National Fight Procrastination Day”
Ok …enough is enough…time to take that “To Do” list and CROSS SOMETHING OFF! It is bound to make you feel better! Clean that closet, vacuum that car, UGH….pay those bills. Don’t put off what you can do very well today! Whatever you do, DON’T procrastinate celebrating this day!
Week 3 – 9/19 “International Talk Like a Pirate Day”
Ahoy Maties! This is a day to sail away to where “X” marks the Spot! First originated by John Ol’ Chumbucket Baur and Cap’n March Slappy Summers, over twenty years ago, this day is for eye patches, gold teeth and walking the plank! This year, “Talk like a Pirate Day” falls on a Sunday, that will make for some interesting sermons!
photo by zazzle.com
Week 4 – 9/22 “Dear Diary Day”
Once called “Pillow Books” because women hid them under their pillows for privacy, diaries are timeless. Much safer than blogs and social media, try putting your pen to paper and record your thoughts and dreams. Have any old diaries from days gone by?…. Treat yourself to reminiscing your past. I often wished my grandmothers and great-grandmothers had left journal behind….consider leaving a legacy for those who will follow you!
Week 5 – 9/29 “International Coffee Day”
Now I’ve got your attention! Whether it is espresso, latte or fufu with whipped cream….all the “cool kids” drink coffee. From Nepal to Indonesia to Twain, this day is celebrated to promote and celebrate coffee as a world- wide drink. Many companies also use this date to bring awareness to fair market trade coffee producers as well. So, grab a cupa’ Joe and raise your mug to celebrate!
Photo by culturetrip.com
I love Cindy’s fun takes on how we can look for interesting and unique ways to celebrate each day! My kids and I will have fun on the pirate day for sure!
Hope you all have a blessed weekend!
aka “Rascal BigLips Sparrow”
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