Five for Friday – May 7th
Hope you all are having a great week, but even if it’s been a tricky one, we hope today’s ‘Five for Friday’ tips will encourage you!
Starting your morning off right:
One way I enjoy starting off my morning, before my feet hit the floor, is by doing a short YouVersion Bible app story feature. No matter if you have a Bible study you are part of or doing your own thing, it’s a quick way to align your day before you start. They are now available in Spanish as well.
Each story contains a moment to quiet your thoughts, a challenge to reflect on the verse of the day, a short video with a different speaker each day to provide context and insight, a reflection question, short devotional, and a prayer to help you live it out. The stories feature is at the top left of your app. If you don’t have the Bible app, you can download it here.
Michelle Wagner brought us a great list of tips a few weeks ago for “Five for Friday’, and we’ve got one more of her books to share with you this week. A book that greatly impacted her and her husband Urb is a book called “Money, Possessions, and Eternity” by Randy Alcorn. This is a comprehensive guide to what the Bible says about financial stewardship, generosity, materialism, retirement, financial planning, gambling, debt, and more!
If you are interested in giving this a read, you can find your copy here.
Whenever you shop Amazon Smile, we’d love it if you would choose to make Forget Me Not Ministries as your charity of choice. Amazon gives a percentage of your purchase each time to the ministry and it’s a great way for your to do your shopping and bless the ministry at the same time.
Get your worship on:
Even on my toughest or grumpiest of days, turning on worship music resets the equilibrium of my soul and aligns my heart with the heart of the Father. When we worship in the good times and the bad, He becomes that ever giving life line…that well that quenches the driest thirst.
One thing I love, as a family history nerd, is watching how God has moved throughout our families way before we ever arrived on the scene. Some have previous generations who have led them to the Lord and lived an example of a life in-step with the Lord, while others might not have had that experience.
There is a verse in the song “Talking to Jesus” by Elevation Church and Maverick City that says, “There’s no wrong way to do it, there’s no bad time to start. It don’t have to sound pretty, just tell him what’s on your heart. Cause it’s not a religion, cause it’s more like a friendship. Just talk to your Father, like you are his kid.”
I want to encourage you today, if you are not used to talking to Jesus, if you have not experienced the overwhelming feeling of knowing that you are his precious child…I just want to invite you to start talking to him today. There is no situation you can bring before him that he can not resolve and there is nothing you have done or could do that makes him no longer want to speak to you.
If you were not left a spiritual legacy in your family, now is a beautiful time for it to start with YOU! Start talking to Jesus and then start talking about Jesus. If you don’t have children, start praying with your nieces and nephews, grandchildren, or anyone God brings into your life. It’s never too late and he’s never too far. His love meets us right where we are!
Hope this song blesses your week and I’d love to hear what worship songs you’ve been listening to as of late!
Been pondering:
I was reading a blog a few weeks ago that I enjoy, and one quote really challenged me:
We tend to evaluate ourselves based on our intentions, but others based on their behavior.
Oh boy…that one got me good! How about you? Something to pause and think about. 🙂
Verse to bless:
One of my absolute favorite verses in the Bible is Isaiah 46:4 which reads, “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”
In the times when we feel alone, overwhelmed, and worried our situation, what a beautiful verse to remind us that the Lord is unchanging in his love, in his power, and in his protection. He will never leave us. He is our sustainer, and continues to hold us up, to bear the weight of our trials, to keep us going. He is our creator, our Father God, the ones who sees us, made us, and loves us with a love we can not even comprehend. He is our rescuer; from all of our afflictions, from our enemies, from temptations, from death…he delivers us! Thank you, Jesus!
Would love to know what some of your favorite verses are!
We hope you all are heading into a wonderful weekend and we are thankful for you!
Be blessed,
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