Five for Friday – Snail Mail Smiles
June 11, 2021
Happy Friday everyone! We are excited for one of our newest board members, Cindy March, to share this week’s ‘Five for Friday’ with you! She’s got some great tips!
Call me old fashion, but I LOVE ‘snail mail”. I love long letter folded precisely, full of news and accented with “PS’s” & “PPS’s” of juicy bits nearly forgotten.
No matter how much people tease me, I know deep down they smile and enjoy them too.
My grandkids live 9.8 miles away and yet I sometimes mail cards to them so they too can experience that “mailbox joy”:)
I do realize that in this era of texting, Facetime, Zoom and email, instant contact is indeed gratifying. Yet, a personal note or card can be savored and enjoyed long after your cell phone battery dies.
Top 5 Snail Mail Smiles:
1. Encouragement Note
Simply write an encouraging note to someone God puts on your heart….maybe an old friend or that quiet lady that always sits on the far side of church or your Pastor.
2. Memory Letters
Write down a very fun memory or special occasion celebrated into the form of a letter. Then mail a copy to someone special! For example, my sisters and I grew up being close to our cousins. I am writing down memories and what I remember about each of them and who they are an important part of my life.
3. Write our Troops
Write to a serviceman or service woman. Brave troops serve our nations worldwide in situations the average citizen simply cannot comprehend. Thank Them! Offer to be prayer partners…( Ok, I agree…email may be easier here:) but start with a simple letter.
Here are some different ways you can send letters:
PS – My youngest sister, Jen, wrote to a serviceman as a school project. Cliff, a Marine in the Golf War, became an important part of her young life. He even brought his young family to meet her and our Mom when he returned home!
4. Birthday Letters
Write a letter to someone special each year on their birthday – a sibling, friend, niece or nephew. I write a letter to my grandchildren on their birthdays highlighting milestones, adventures, funny antics and easy musing for my heart. ( Keep a copy for yourself to cherish!)
5. Treasure Old Letters
Many of us have letters and cards in boxes from years and years past from grandparents, cousins or friends that are too special to let go of. Why not savor them again? Sort the ones you would like to keep, bundle them with ribbons and store them in a decorative box to treasure and remember:)
P.S. WARNING: Love letters from Mom and Dad’s dating days definitely will gross out children!!!;)
A huge thank you to Cindy this week’s ‘Five for Friday’ and a thank you to you all, our Forget Me Not fam for your involvement in the lives of the Roma children, teens, and adults in whatever form that might be! We are grateful for you.
June 11, 2021 9:55 pmThank you Cindy for a great reminder of the importance of snail mail. Some of my Great-grandma’s letters were preserved in a spiral binder. She has been gone almost 40 years now, but they still provide a window into her life with fond memories. Even though just normal newsy information, many of her letters were written in poetic form.
Snail mail for me is so much more personal. Call me old fashioned.