Five for Friday – Summer Memories
Summer may be over, but Cindy March has got some amazing ways you can help capture, celebrate, and remember the beautiful memories and experiences you have had!
In these days of “getting back to normal” maybe you were able to travel more this year or maybe you used this time to plan your next getaway…. Here are some fun ideas to reuse and recycle maps, travel brochures and magazines….
1.What I did on my Summer vacation Collage
Even if you didn’t travel the highways and byways, you did hopefully enjoy some special gatherings and fun. Find pictures of your hometown (Chambers of Commerce often print resources) – or snip a picture of barbecues, birthdays , ice cream, sunshine. Add a list of books you read and movies you saw. Frame it to make you smile during the long days of Winter!
2. Memories on Display
Take the idea from #1 and make a cover page for your calendar, 3-ring binder or Bible Study notebook. Make the sweet memories last!
3. Dream Boards
Use photos, magazine clippings etc. to create a dream board of places to go and people to see! Saving up to visit someone far away or to serve on a mission’s trip? Keep those places and people in front of you to motivate your saving, and to keep these plans in your thoughts and prayers!
4. Decoupage your Souvenirs
Decoupage maps, pictures or even ticket stubs onto old boring buckets or five gallon ice cream tubs. You can even use colors to match room themes or decors.
5. Gratefulness Albums
Use old pictures, clippings and flyers to inspire a grateful attitude album. Did you receive that special camera lens you wanted in time for the family reunion? Clip a pic and paste it here. Did the car ahead of you pay for your Big Mac? Clip a pic of the golden arches and smile. It’s the little things we often take for granted and they can mean so much….this is great for ALL ages!
Great ideas to celebrate those memories and keep dreaming for the future! Thanks Cindy!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Be blessed,
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