Five for Friday – Wait for it!
Even though January is a time for fresh starts, new goals, kicking in the motivation, planning, and new outlooks, it also might remind you that you either have not achieved something you have been working on for a long time, or perhaps, God has not answered in a time frame you were hoping for.
There can be some frustrating and discouraging moments in the waiting, and some down right heartbreak….but there can also be encouragement, incredible lessons, and so much to glean while in the waiting room. Waiting is not a punishment, but rather a beautiful time of preparation as God gets the soil of your life ready for all that He is about to plant and grow in you and through you. I love the John Ortberg quote, “Biblically, waiting is not just something we have to do until we get what we want. Waiting is part of the process of becoming what God wants us to be.”
This Five for Friday, we hope to share with you some important ways to be proactive in your time of waiting. It is definitely not a passive activity, so let’s take some action!
1. Stay in your lane
It is so easy for us to take a glance in the other lane, to see what someone else has, is doing, is living, and suddenly feel that our life is less than. The comparison trap can get us off course quickly and derails us from being in God’s will and waiting on his direction to suddenly taking the wheel and pursuing a road we deem more worthy. I have taken several detours before of my own making, and I am left feeling lost, frustrated, and disorientated each time.
No matter how slow or fast God is bringing things about in your life, keep those eyes on Him and stay the beautiful course He has carved out just for you! He holds the entire map…your whole story…so, we can trust Him with every pit stop, road block, hill, and open road ahead.
Philippians 3:13-14 “…I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Jesus Christ, is calling us.”
2. Get your praise on!
Worship and praise are not just ways to say ‘thank you’ or celebrate something God has done, but they can be a powerful way to stir up your faith for what He WILL do! Praising in the waiting has the potential to unlock the power of heaven, break off chains, and mobilize you in ways you never thought possible. In your disappointment, in your frustration, in your rejoicing, your sadness, your waiting…keep praising! If you need song to help stir that faith as you wait, we’ve got one for you to crank! 🙂
Wait on You – Elevation Worship & Maverick City
3. Livin’ on a prayer!
Even if God feels far away, it is so important that we keep that communication going. Praying through your pain and your doubt can strengthen you, knowing that we can bring our true and honest feelings before him without fear and without guilt. He longs to hear from you and I…He longs for us to reach out to Him, so that He can take the burden from us and show us his power.
If you are in a season of life where you just don’t know what to pray and your wrestling with the waiting, here are some prayers that can help you find your voice.
- Ask God to fulfill Isaiah 40:31 in your life and renew your strength in him.
- Tell God that you will not fear as you wait on him and ask him to hold you in his hands on those hard days. – Isaiah 41:10
- Ask God to help you be strong and courageous as you wait for him expectantly. – Psalm 27:13-14
- Ask him to help you look to him during your season of waiting. Praise the God of your salvation and for hearing your prayers! – Micah 7:7
- Ask God to enable you to wait patiently…resting your hope in him alone. – Psalm 62:5
- Pray that He would teach you His truth as you wait on him. – Psalm 25:5
4. Capture it!
The journey of waiting can have highs, lows, powerful lessons, new ideas, heart change, revelations, and more along the way. We don’t want to miss a thing! We’ve got to capture it and record it however works best for each one of us. I’ve always had a hard time journaling in a traditional method, but stumbled upon an app that allows me to journal through voice memos and I love it. It fits my style. There are many options, but I would encourage you (and myself) to find the one that works for you and record all that God teaches us and shows us along the way. Precious lessons through difficult times that we can cherish and cling to forever.
If you aren’t current journaling and would like a few different ideas, you may want to try some of these:
- Leuchtturm notebook
- Diario – I love this app, because I can record blessings, prayers, victories, lessons all in this one space and I can add a pictures along with it as well. So, it helps me remember the special memories God provides along the way…moments in ministry to encourage me…or situations to lift up to him.
- Day One
5. Seek him
Discover what God’s Word says about waiting! Here’s 30 days of Biblical encouragement as you actively wait on the Lord and pursue him!
If you’re like me and you could use a daily visible reminder up in your home or office during the waiting, we’ve got a printable to bring you encouragement.
Whether you are waiting on restored relationships, healing, an answer to prayer, a husband/wife, a job opportunity, your next step, or whatever that prayer might be…we hope you are encouraged in the waiting today!
Let’s wait well together!
“Stand still, keep the posture of an upright man, ready for action, expecting further orders, cheerfully and patiently awaiting the directing voice; and it will not be long ere God shall say to you, as distinctly as Moses said it to the people of Israel, Go forward.” Charles Sturgeon
Have a blessed weekend and we are so thankful for you all!
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