PO Box 142, Sellersburg, Indiana, 47172, USA

FMN Ministries Blog

There's an excitement in the air when we begin to see the first sweet signs of spring. The melting of snow, flowers beginning to emerge, birds beginning to sing again, and some glimpses of the sun have a special way of lifting of our spirits after a long winter.  Today's Five for Friday, has got some...

Well, it's mid February and if you're like me, it's a great time to check in on those goals and plans we made back in January, just to make sure we are on course and bring a little encouragement to one another too.  Whether you've smashed it, wavering a bit, or fell off the resolution highway...

As we dive into February, Cindy March, an incredible FMN Board member, has some fun forgotten February holidays for you to enjoy this month! ___________________   1st Saturday in February - International Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day!   Yes people, this is real!  Originated in the 1960’s by a really cool mom in Rochester, NY, this day will definitely...

Let's get cozy! We're turning up the heat this Five for Friday with 5 international winter dishes that are sure to warm your tummies and your hearts!  One of the great things about living in Eastern Europe is experiencing a mixture of different cultural influences, and learning all about all different kinds of recipes. Today, we're...

Even though January is a time for fresh starts, new goals, kicking in the motivation, planning, and new outlooks, it also might remind you that you either have not achieved something you have been working on for a long time, or perhaps, God has not answered in a time frame you were hoping for. There can...

Ahhhh, January…so many possibilities, plans, and dreams ahead!  I love a good clean slate, and January is the perfect clean slate to our year. Today’s Five for Friday is here to get you off to a good start to 2022.   1. Vision boards   I’m such a visual person, and one thing I’m doing with my daughter at...

As so many had to alter or cancel their vacation plans last year due to the pandemic, experts are expecting a huge surge in travel over the next few years which they are calling 'Revenge Travel'.  :) As you make your plans to venture out, we've got some ideas to help you travel both domestically...

Thanks again to Forget Me Not Ministries for a chance to encourage you all with some great Christmas music this year!  The “Final Five“ will hopefully be appropriate as we begin today with a special Christmas Eve song…here we go!   1) “ALMOST THERE”…sung by Amy Grant / written by Michael W. Smith   a. Tonight would be the...