PO Box 142, Sellersburg, Indiana, 47172, USA

FMN Ministries Blog

Even though Romania doesn't celebrate Easter until May 2nd this year, we thought we would celebrate twice! :) Here are your Five for Friday quick tips for your Easter. 1. If you need a nice spring playlist to match the hopeful sunshine outside, we've created you a playlist on Spotify. Enjoy! Click here to listen! 2. Here are...

Have you got some fun 4th of July plans this weekend? We've got some sparklers and we're ready to celebrate, even in Romania! This week's 'Five for Friday' has got some 4th of July ideas to brighten your holiday!   1. CARE PACKAGES This Fourth of July, one activity you and your family could do together is to create...

Summer is upon us and while we are all making our summer plans, Cindy March (an FMN board member) shares with us 5 extra days to celebrate during July! Have fun, include others, and make them smile! ___________________________ Week 1  - Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day -usually celebrated on July 1st Make it fun!  Get out the fancy...

This week’s ‘Five for Friday’ come to us from Michelle Wagner! Michelle and her husband Urb have been a core part of the Forget Me Not family for years and have even served in Romania for 2 years. Michelle has got some great tips to bless your week!    Running: Running has been part of my life since...

Happy Friday everyone! We are excited for one of our newest board members, Cindy March, to share this week's 'Five for Friday' with you! She's got some great tips! ___________________________________ Call me old fashion, but I LOVE 'snail mail".  I love long letter folded precisely, full of news and accented with "PS's" & "PPS's" of juicy bits nearly...

Ugh, allergy season! Whether I’m in Romania or back in the States, they always find a way to get me!   Here are some quick, easy, and natural remedies you and I can use to combat allergy season without walking around like zombies.   Some of these I’ve tried and some are on my list to try, so let...

As we head into Memorial Day weekend, here are your ‘Five for Friday’ for quick thoughts, ideas, and tips to help make your Memorial Day special!    A moment of remembrance: In 2000, Congress created the National Moment as a way to honor our troops. At 3 p.m. on Memorial Day, every American is asked to pause for...

Happy Friday everyone! Hope your week has been a good one! Today's 'Five for Friday' is shared with us by one of our incredible board members, Dr. Lynette Stanko. Today, Lynette shares with us her favorite five tips for financial freedom! ___________ I am a huge fan of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University! I really believe financial freedom...