Five for Friday – New Year’s!
Can you believe this year is over?!? I always feel so full of hope as we ring in the New Year and excited at the thought of all God will do in the coming year! This New Year’s Eve, we’ve got some games for you, a prayer challenge, printables, and more to help get your New Year’s off to a great start!
1. New Year’s Eve Game
No matter whether you are celebrating with friends, family, kids, or teens, we’ve got some fun questions to make you laugh and reflect at your get together.
2. Less Waste in the New Year
Figuring out how to live more sustainably can be overwhelming at times. We’ve added a few ideas to help you reduce waste in 2022, and if you’d like more ideas, you can click below! Just changing a few of our little habits for the New Year can create big results.
– Buy in the bulk aisle or store and use your own containers.
– Buy a pack of vegan waxed food wraps to replace using plastic wrap.
– Turn off the shower while shaving, scrubbing, etc.
– Save PDF’s instead of printing.
More ideas for creating less waste!
3. Reflection and Reverie
It’s so important to reflect upon the year that has gone by and to see what we can learn from it, whether good or bad, celebrate the memories, mourn the losses, and thank God for His blessings. This time of year is also important to pray and plan over how we want to improve, how we can be used, and preparing ourselves for what lies ahead. We’ve got some New Year’s printables that will help you do just that. Whether you share them with your friends or keep them to yourselves, we hope they help you to process all you have experienced in 2021 and get you ready for a powerful 2022!
4. 31-Day Prayer Challenge
I cannot think of a better way to start the New Year off than with prayer! My goodness…we can get ourselves in big 0l’ messes when we don’t seek God first and His guidance. We’d love for you to join in on the 31-Day Prayer Challenge and watch God move in and around you as you start off 2022 with Him!
5. Dream Big!
I’ve mentioned this book/Bible study before, but if you haven’t checked it out yet, you will be incredibly encouraged and challenged by reading Bob Goff’s ‘Dream Big’! Dreaming big and stepping into all God has for you is an incredible way to begin the new year! Here’s a few quotes to get you excited:
– “Where you are today is simply the harbor from which your ship is about to sail.”
– “Some of your ambitions are going to take time or a little creativity to figure out. Don’t quit them. Wake up to new ways to get there, then do what it takes so you’re ready when your time comes.”
– “Celebrate every small piece of progress, even if there are nine hundred and ninety-nine more things to do.”
– “Fears don’t really get fully conquered, they’re just understood and given less power.”
– “Figure out your fears, kick them in the teeth, and get back to work. You’re not a hostage anymore.”
One way to achieve a fresh start and mind in this coming year is decluttering! Click below for your guide to declutter today!
Praying blessings on your New Year and all that God has in store for you in 2022! We are grateful for you!
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